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Infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC) generates a severe infection in the conjunctiva and cornea. This disease implies high treatment costs and causes a strong general weakening of the animal, estimated in 10 kg. live weight per affected eye.

IKC is triggered by Moraxella bovis bacteria and IBR virus.

All categories can be affected by IKC. Climatic conditions such as excessive heat, drought and strong wind weaken the mucosa and can facilitate the entry of pathogens.

Vaccinating with Providean Querato decreases the incidence of cases and reduces the severity of lesions.


Each dose of vaccine contains inactivated antigens of: Moraxella bovis (≥ 109 CFU/dose) and its anatoxins, hemolysin and leukocidin (≥ 600 HU/dose), Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV) (≥ 107.5 TCID50%/dose), Adjuvant Pilatus GHA500®, Excipients q.s. to 5 ml.

Dosage and application routes:

Apply 5 ml subcutaneously only. Shake frequently and before loading each syringe.

Suggested immunization schedule:

Calves at foot: apply 2 doses, the first at the 3rd month and the second at the 4th month of life.

Calves of traditional or early weaning: apply 2 doses, the first one 30 days and the second one 15 days before weaning.

Unvaccinated animals entering feed-lot or cattle grazing: apply 2 doses, the first one upon entry and the second one 15 days later.

Other categories: apply 2 doses, the first one 60 days and the second one 30 days before the time of the appearance of IKC symptoms. Continue with annual revaccination. Revaccinate annually one month before the period of higher risk of Keratoconjunctivitis. The suggested schedule should be adapted to the recommendation of your veterinarian according to the particular needs of each region or farm.


125 ml (25 doses).

250 ml (50 doses).

Guía de tratamiento en caso de autoinoculación.


Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. Do not subject animals to stress and/or excessive work before and/or after vaccination. Do not administer in parasitized, malnourished, fatigued, or feverish animals, or animals on antibiotic and/or corticosteroid treatment.


Administer this product under supervision of the veterinary professional. The product can generate a slight local reaction at the application site that disappears progressively. In isolated cases, the vaccine can produce anaphylactic shock, in such case, the veterinarian should apply epinephrine at 1‰.


Between 2º and 8º C. Do not freeze. Do not expose to heat or sunlight. Used containers should be discarded according to the local legislation in force. In Uruguay: Used/expired containers should be deposited in collection centers.

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