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Anthrax is a deadly disease that causes huge losses in animal production and is a threat to farm personnel. Sporulated bacteria have the ability to remain viable for years in the environment, and spread the disease.

The disease can be prevented by vaccination. Providean Carbunclo is a live vaccine made with attenuated antigens of Sterne strain 34F2 of Bacillus anthracis.

Its production strain is controlled by molecular biology techniques to ensure the presence of the plasmids responsible for conferring immunity.

Providean Carbunclo prevents anthrax. The vaccine, when inoculated, produces a subclinical infection in the host without causing any symptoms of the disease. This generates an active increase in the level of neutralizing antibodies. It is recommended to vaccinate all calves before weaning and adult animals during spring since most cases occur in summer.


Each 2 ml of vaccine contains: At least 18,000,000 spores (1.8 x 107 CFU/dose) non-encapsulated avirulent Sterne strain 34F2 of Bacillus anthracis; Glycerin ≤1 ml/dose; Purified Saponin ≤1 mg/dose; Buffered Physiological Solution q.s. to 2 ml.

Dosage and application routes:

Apply subcutaneously only.

Shake frequently and before loading each syringe.

Cattle and horses: 2 ml/dose.

Sheep and swine: 1 ml/dose.

Suggested immunization schedule:

First vaccination: cattle and horses should be vaccinated at 3 months of age. Only sheep and swine adults should be vaccinated.

Subsequent vaccinations: revaccination at 6 months or 12 months depending on the prevalence of the disease in the farm. In areas of high incidence it is advisable to revaccinate every 6 months or according to the criteria of the acting professional. The suggested schedule should be adapted to the recommendation of your veterinarian according to the particular needs of each region or farm.

USE RESTRICTIONS: Pre-slaughter restriction period: 14 days.


120 ml (60 bovine/equine doses; 120 ovine/porcine doses).

250 ml (125 bovine/equine doses; 250 ovine/porcine doses).

Guía de tratamiento en caso de autoinoculación.


Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. Do not subject animals to stress and/or excessive work before and/or after vaccination. Do not administer in parasitized, malnourished, fatigued, or feverish animals, or animals on antibiotic and/or corticosteroid treatment.


Apply this product under supervision of the veterinary professional. The product can generate a slight local reaction in the application site that disappears progressively. In isolated cases, the vaccine can produce anaphylactic shock, in such case the veterinarian should apply epinephrine at 1%.


Between 2º and 8º C. Do not freeze. Do not expose to heat or sunlight. Containers should be discarded according to local legislation in force. In Uruguay: Used/expired containers should be deposited in collection centers.

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