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Providean Lepto 8 is the vaccine against the largest number of leptospira serovars available in the market. Each production lot is tested for direct potency, thus providing a combination of broad spectrum and high protective potency in each lot.

• Only providean Lepto 8 provides specific protection against eight leptosirosis serovars.
• Its potency is controlled by means of live discharge tests, lot by lot.
• New aqueous adjuvant and immunostimulant Pilatus GHA500
• Highly safe aqueous inactivated vaccine


Suspension for injection. Each 5 ml dose contains inactivated antigens of: Leptospira interrogans serovars: Pomona (≥107 Bact./dose); Canicola (≥107 Bact./dose); Hardjo (≥107 Bact./dose); Wolffi (≥107 Bact./dose); Bratislava (≥107 Bact./dose); Icterohaemorrhagiae (≥107 Bact./dose); Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Tarassovi (≥107 Bact./dose); Leptospira kirschneri serovar Grippotyphosa (≥107 Bact./dose); Adjuvant Pilatus GHA500®; Excipients q.s. to 5 ml.

Dosage and application routes:

Apply subcutaneously only. Shake frequently and before loading each syringe.

Cattle: 5 ml/dose.

Swine: 3 ml/dose.

Suggested immunization schedule:

Cattle: Calves: apply 2 doses from 4 months of age with an interval of 30 days. Breeding stock should be immunized with three doses, 60 and 30 days before service and the third application together with the palpation. Annual revaccination, 30 days prior to the animal being on heat. In farms with high risk of infection, it is recommended to revaccinate every 180 days.

Swine: Breeding stock: 2 doses, 60 and 30 days prior to service. Sows should be revaccinated within 10 to 15 days after lactation. Boars should be revaccinated every 180 days. The suggested vaccination schedule should be adapted to the recommendation of your veterinarian, according to the particular needs of each region or farm.


125 ml (25 bovine doses/40 porcine doses)

250 ml (50 bovine doses/80 porcine doses)

Guía de tratamiento en caso de autoinoculación.


Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. Do not subject animals to stress and/or excessive work before and/or after vaccination. Do not administer in parasitized, malnourished, fatigued, or feverish animals, or animals on antibiotic and/or corticosteroid treatment.


Apply this product under supervision of a veterinary professional. The product can generate a slight local reaction at the application site that disappears progressively. In isolated cases, the vaccine may produce anaphylactic shock, in such case apply epinephrine at 1‰.


Between 2° and 8ºC. Do not freeze. Do not expose the product to heat or sunlight. Once opened, use the product immediately. Used containers should be discarded according to the local legislation in force. In Uruguay: used/expired containers should be deposited in collection centers.

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