Providean Entero Plus 7 is the first vaccine on the market that includes seven viral and bacterial antigens in its formula to contribute to the prevention of NCD.
Vaccinating the mother during the last third of gestation generates an increase in the level of antibodies in blood, which are then concentrated in the colostrum up to 1/14,000.
When the calf takes in colostrum within the first twelve hours of life, the antibodies present therein cross the intestinal mucosa to protect it during the critical phase of exposure to the disease.
Injectable suspension containing inactivated antigen of: Bovine rotavirus serotypes 6 and 10 (≥107 TCID50%/dose), Bovine coronavirus (≥106 TCID50%/dose), Escherichia coli K 99 bacterin with its adhesion factors (Pilis) (≥5 x 108 CFU/dose), Salmonella dublin (≥5 x 108 CFU/dose), Salmonella typhimurium (≥5 x 108 CFU/dose), Clostridium perfringens type D (epsilon toxin) (≥2000 LD50%/dose), Adjuvant Pilatus GHA500®, Excipients q.s. to 5 ml.
Apply 5ml subcutaneously or intramuscularly (I.M.). Shake frequently and before loading each syringe.
To protect the calf from the first hours of life, apply 2 doses to the pregnant female with an interval of fifteen days between them. Colostral antibodies reach higher levels when the last dose is administered within the last thirty days of pregnancy. If this is not possible, follow the following scheme: Apply the first dose during the 6th month and the second dose during the 7th month of pregnancy. If the female has not calved 60 days after the second application, it is advisable to administer a third dose to maximize the titers of antibodies in colostrum; especially in those farms with high prevalence of CND. Revaccinate annually with one dose. The suggested schedule should always be adapted to the recommendation of your veterinarian according to the particular needs of each region or farm.
125 ml (25 doses)
250 ml (50 doses)
Keep out of reach of children and domestic animals. Do not subject animals to stress or excessive work before and after vaccination. Do not administer to parasitized, malnourished, fatigued, or feverish animals, or animals on antibiotic and/or corticosteroid treatment.
Apply this product under the supervision of a veterinary professional. The product can generate a slight local reaction at the application site that disappears progressively. In isolated cases the vaccine can produce anaphylactic shock, in which case the veterinarian should apply epinephrine at 1‰.
Between 2º and 8º C. Do not freeze. Do not expose to heat or sunlight. Used containers should be discarded according to the local legislation in force. In Uruguay: Used/expired containers should be deposited in storage centers.
© Tecnovax 2025
We are a biotechnology company with more than twenty years of experience in the development, production and global commercialization of new vaccines and immunotherapies to protect animal life and productivity.
We are a biotechnology company with more than twenty years of experience in the development, production and global commercialization of new vaccines and immunotherapies to protect animal life and productivity.